The Occasional Mentor: On Making Decisions and Getting a Job During a Pandemic

Noreen Whysel
3 min readNov 30, 2020
Path in Central Park near West 103rd Street in the Fall. Benches on the left and a street lamp on the right.

A semi-regular column based on questions I’ve answered on Quora, heard on Slack groups, and other career advice I’ve given over the prior month. Feel free to challenge me in the comments, if you have a different experience. Below are questions I answered in November.



Noreen Whysel

Co-Founder @DecisionFish, Bizdev @DisruptiveTechnologists, Researcher @InternetSafetyLabs @AMPS_Research & @KantaraRIUP, Adjunct @CityTech, IA/Research/MSLIS